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90.9FM | WCDB

On Air DJ Kenny
Show (Hip Hop/R&B) The Hour Glass

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(4:00 PM) THE HOUR GLASS - CURRENT SHOW more tracks
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Listen Live!
Listen to 90.9FM WCDB online anywhere in the world!
..:: PC / Windows Users ::..
Player Type Speed
Windows Media Player Media Player [Embedded]
(*Recommended option*)
Windows Media Player Media Player [Standalone] Low
Mac iTunes iTunes Low
Real Player RealPlayer Low
Nullsoft Winamp Winamp Low
..:: Apple / Mac Users ::..
Player Type Speed
QuickTime Player Quicktime Player [Embedded]
(*Recommended option*)
QuickTime Player Quicktime Player [Standalone] Low
Mac iTunes iTunes Low
Real Player RealPlayer Low
..:: Listen Live! FAQs / Help ::..
You only need to follow these steps if the above buttons do not launch the Listen Live! player correctly.
What do I need to listen live?
•  Depending on which player you wish to use, you will need to have the proper software installed on your computer. You can download any of the players for free by clicking on the following links:

Media Player Media Player         Quicktime QuickTime Player         Winamp Winamp         iTunes iTunes         RealPlayer RealPlayer
Why is it silent? I don't hear anything!
•  If the Listen Live! player loads and it says that it is "Playing", this can be normal. Unfortunately we cannot always broadcast 24 hours a day and therefore you may experience periods of slience (or "dead air"). You can always check our schedule to find out what and when we are broadcasting.
It works at home, but not at work
•  Some companies block streaming broadcasts. If the Listen Live! player opens but you cannot connect at work, check with your network administrator at your workplace.
Buffering, dropouts and lost connections
•  Many things can cause you to lose the stream. A slow computer, not enough memory or even running several programs at once can make your PC lose the connection. If you selected "High Speed" and are experiencing buffering problems, try selecting "Dial-Up" instead (even if you do have a high speed internet connection).
I have tried the above and I am still having problems. What should I do?
•  Make sure your computer has speakers and you can hear other sounds with them (maybe try to play a CD on your computer to test them out).
If you are still having trouble, please feel free to email us at: and we will do our best to assist you.